Latest episode: Episode 025

Watch Tegami Bachi Reverse
Lag's quest to recover Gauche's heart continues, after finding him and being attacked in return he wakes up at Bee hive just to find that he has lost Gauche again. He must become stronger and a better Letter bee in order to be ready to take Gauche back next time he finds him. Along with his loyal dingo and friend Niche he is decided to make that dream come true and bring happiness back to Sylvette and Aria.
Other name: Tegamibachi Reverse, Tegami Bachi: Letter Bee Reverse, Tegami Bachi 2, Letter Bee 2, テガミバチ REVERSE, Tegami Bachi: Letter Bee Reverse
Total episode: 25 eps
Status: Completed
Views: 517,255
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